Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scrapping at Home vs. Crops/Retreats

I stumbled on this article and thought it was worth posting. I know my non-scrapbooking friends just don't understand why I spend time at crops (Joyce - are you listening!) and this article says it all. I being a true extrovert have no trouble attending crops and retreats. The article was written by a lady in Marietta, Georgia

The Scrapbook Retreat
Many people say they only crop at home and have a mountain of reasons for not going to crops or retreats. I understand this reluctance. I was a nervous wreck before my first retreat a few years ago. I didn't know what to bring, I only knew one other girl (of 14) going, I couldn't envision what it would be like. Well, I had a great time and have been to 4 more since then, plus many 1-night crops.
I just returned home from my most recent 3-day scrapbook retreat to the North Georgia mountains. I am not yet fully recovered :) I'm tired, but I feel content. My preschooler's constant chattiness is more enjoyable today than it was last week.
When I talked to my non-scrapper sister-in-law before the retreat, she asked skeptically, "So...what do y'all do? Do you just ....sit there?....and work...?"
As I gushed to my husband about how much fun we'd had, he was dumbfounded at my inability to explain exactly WHAT had been so fun or WHY I'd enjoyed it so much.
There were 8 of us at the retreat coming from a variety of backgrounds. Our ages ranged from early 30's to mid 50's. We were full time professionals and stay-at-home moms -- grandmothers and mothers. Our group represented different religious views & we originated from different parts of the country. And we all agreed that if you aren't a scrapper, you just don't get it!
You stop telling people that you're going on a scrapbook retreat, and instead you say you're going on a women's retreat or that you're simply going 'out of town.' (That way we can avoid "the look" that implies, "Oh, I didn't realize she was one of THOSE" or '"Must be NICE to be able to get away for something as frivolous as scrapbooking.")
We had debates about Thickers versus die cut letters, the merits of the Slice versus the Cricut, and big box craft store coupon policies. Our discussion of rub-ons had us laughing at what our husbands would probably *think* we were discussing :) We argued about whether or not Pierce Brosnan is "hot" and who is the yuckiest contestant on Big Brother. We compared stories about our kids & embarassing haricut stories from our pasts. By the 3rd night of the retreat, we were positively slap-happy & giggling like preteens at just about everything, funny or not. Several of us had sore ribs on Sunday from laughing so hard!
Yes, to answer my sister-in-law, we do "just" sit there & work. But it is so much more than that. Yes, I probably would get more pages done if I devoted that many hours to scrapbooking at home alone (which would never happen.) But I would miss out on the laughs, tips, bonding, advice, the perfect oversized eyelet to match my paper, and friendship :)
So, if you are a non-scrapper, well, I guess you aren't reading this! If you are a scrapper who has never been to a crop or who feels reluctant to attend one by yourself, you are missing out! Try one! Some are even free.


  1. I totally love the article Lorrie!! Thanks for sharing it! :)

  2. I sure enjoyed this little story, thanks for sharing

  3. So true... I enjoyed seeing you on Wednesday.
    Loulou (the other one, not your dog!)
